Hello Beloved Ones
November is a very special month energetically. The 11.11.11 triple energies represent an activation point for the Divine Christ Light energy, an explosion of 'Radiance' which will help us begin to activate the Rose Star Gate or portal that will be our connection point to the Cosmic Consciousness...
Please see Celia Fenn for the whole Archangel Michael and Mary Magdalene's channelling..
Mary Magdalene (through Celia Fenn) has giving us this beautiful meditation : The Sacred Rose Meditation to bask ourselves in Divine Love, Divine Light and Beauty. ENJOY!
Sit very quietly, and allow yourself to breathe very deeply. Focus into your beautiful and Sacred Heart and feel the Flow of the Divine Energy moving through you. You are Beautiful and you are Loved, so deeply Loved. Feel that Love moving through every cell in your body and every aspect of who you are in the Realms of Light. You are so deeply Loved. Breathe that Love. Feel it in your Heart. It is best if you breathe deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth, letting the breathe of life move through your body. You are Loved.
So, sit in this way and allow yourself to breathe for at least ten minutes. After this time, your body should be still and your mind clear. Now, focus into your Heart again and ask your Higher Self to align your inner Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. Feel the explosion of ecstatic radiance in your Heart moving down your body through your lower chakras and into the Earth, down to the Earth Star. You are grounded and your are connected to the Earth. Feel the Love flowing from your Heart to the Earth and back into your Heart. Breathe that Love into your Being.
Now, as you bask gently in that Beautiful Love, feel the energy of Divine Grace all around you. You are held in Grace and Beauty, and you trust absolutely that you are being supported and guided by the Divine Light within. So, now, allow yourself to feel the channel in your Light Body that aligns with your spine, and allow yourself to pull that energy of Love up that channel, through the Heart channel and up into the Crown. At this point, you will feel the Pineal Gland activate in an explosion of Light and Love, and that Light will travel upwards, and the petals of the Rose will begin to open.
It will be the most beautiful and ecstatic experience, if you are ready to receive the Divine Love that will pour through you and into your Heart and down into the Earth. And you will feel the Rose opening all around you. The colours will swirl around you and you will feel movement, as your Spirit Sphere restructures into the Sacred Geometric patterns of the Sacred Rose.
Beautiful angels of light, I will keep posting new articles as they become available,
Have a wonderful month of November
Love and light to you all