Tuesday 9 March 2010

3-3-2010 Gaia’s Triple Heart Opening (x4)

Hello Beloved Ones

Spring is officially here, the snowdrops are out sharing with us their beauty, colour and splendour, wonderful!!

Thank you to all who participated in my workshops and for your sharing, laughter and love.. what fun times we had… our spiritual family becoming bigger and bigger day by day…I love all soxxx

As the Equinox is approaching soon I would like to share with you a channelling one of my peers sent to me. It is a message from Master Kutumi, about Gaia’s triple heart Opening - channelled By Ronna Prince .. blessings to Ronna for allowing us to pass on this wonderful message.

3-3-2010 Gaia’s Triple Heart Opening (x4)

I AM MASTER OF LOVE - Channelled by Ronna Prince

We welcome you on this day of 2-28-2010, the Full Moon which opens the New Beginning in March 2010 for Mastery of Mission and the Unfoldment of Human Purpose.
Energy = Symbiotic Mutualism (=111)

One of the greatest openings to the heart portals of earth and thus, each being inhabiting the earth occurs on 3-3-2010, a date of 333, the first of 4 dates for Gaia’s Triple Heart Opening.

Earth-Gaia, is the third planet from the sun and is emerging from a long period of preparation for ascension. The process of loving and letting go of limitation has created mass critical shifts of consciousness. As the earth’s body is letting go of old patterns, it is resulting in the increasing geological disruptions around the world. As you open your own hearts to support those in need, you are participating in the shift to the vibration of 33:33 - “I AM MASTER OF LOVE”. (Note, the phrase “I am Master of Love” translated to number using Pythagorean numerology, equals 66 total, with the vowels in this phrase = 33 and the consonants = 33).

March, historically, and we are referring to times before the current calendar changes, is the first month of the New Year, the time of Equinox and preparation for spring planting or fall harvesting. In the current calendar in this year of 2010, representing 21/3 - the Universe and Empress, the initiations of Mastery occur in the Month of March over a 4 week, 4×333 calibration. If you choose to be conscious of the shift that is occurring, you create your path for your mission and purpose, in alignment with Gaia and your place in the great awakening:” I AM the Macrocosm-Microcosm” (= 111)

3-3-2010 = 333 = 9
3-12-2010 = 333= 9
3-21-2010 = 333 =9
3-30-2010 = 333 =9

TOTAL of the 4 x3 awakening alignments = 99:99

During the 4×333 attunements, we are asking you to walk upon the earth as I AM MASTER OF LOVE. By your actions, share your love, share your vision for a New Earth, share your time and your talents, share your treasures with those in need. For now is the time to open your hearts in the knowledge that the Unfoldment of Human Purpose is here.

Gaia’s Triple Heart Opening (a “123″ start phrase) attunes the heartbeat at the core of the earth and the collective heart beat of all sentient life forms on earth. This attunement creates a unified heart vibration. This unified heart beat is the third heart opening, the wholeness of each person who connects to him or herself, to earth and to all inhabitants of earth as One Being of Supreme Love.

Is the essence of all wisdom teachers that have walked on earth. Teachers such as Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Florence Nightingale, Jesus, Buddha, and masters you know by many names have lived their lives through this principle: I AM a Master of Love.

They have not had the need to proclaim this but have simply lived it by seeing what is needed to be done, by offering their service to change-creation, and by opening their hearts to share and to teach by being a Master of Love. They were in attunement and alignment with all things from the microcosm to the macrocosm.

This living, breathing action, or Act-I-ON, is now open for you to Master. Many of you are already being called to share and to serve in new ways. By following your heart and your inner vision you are creating the alignment of your own Unfoldment of Purpose and paving the way for others to do the same by your example.

to see the whole channel please see Ronna Prince webpage).


With love and gratitude,

Miriam Judith xxx