Friday, 25 June 2010

The Extraordinary Eclipses of the Grand Cross

Dear ones

Please read this channelling from Metraton through James Tyberon - - quite important!


love and light


The Extraordinary Eclipses of the Grand Cross
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I greet you all in Unconditional Love, indeed a love that you will need over the next few weeks!

You are entering of one of the most powerful and intense energy crucibles experienced on the planet in many millennia, and the relative 'temperature' is about to drastically increase. It is the Diamond Triad, and is the purpose behind the encouraging 'OM Wave' that the Cosmic Council of Light have graced you with.

There are three very significant astro9logical occurrences over the next five weeks (June 26-August 4). These are:

· The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse -June 26

· The Solar Eclipse of July 11

· The 5 Planet Alignment of July - The Grand Cross

The June 26 eclipse of the full moon is extraordinarily powerful and will set the stage. Indeed this full moon eclipse is a double edged sword and can be the impetus of great change to the positive, if correctly understood and utilized accordingly. Or its intensity can rupture your auric field and set you in a downward spiral. It is up to you, depending on if you react in impatience and emotion or if you wisely utilize this resonance for creativity and inward cleanse.

As is the case of all crucibles, it will use intense heat to purify.

We tell you that the recent solstice and the impending Diamond Triad of the Grand Cross are among the most powerful energies felt on the planet for millennia, and many of your savant astrologers have recognized this....and so must the wise among humanity. Indeed the 5 planet configuration and associated angles represent an extremely rare and extraordinarily unique frequency that can offer a template of magnanimous change, yet within a resonance that can also be quite chaotic.

It is well during this time to carefully consider your actions. Be cautious in your demeanor, and take extra efforts to maintain the integrity of your auric field. Think before you speak, and do not allow untoward emotion; that of anger, envy, depression, guilt or doubt to invade your energy. It will be easy to mismanage both communications and emotions in this crucible, and the results could be quite detrimental to relationships and state of mind. Better to use this cutting energy to go inward, and review for hidden habitudes and obstacles that may yet lurk within. There is no better time to release these. And Dear Ones, almost all of you still have cleansings yet to perform. More often than not in duality, those that do not recognize the tarrying residues of negative traits are the ones most needful of the search, including those of you on the spiritual path. Spiritual ego can especially be cleansed, if dutifully examined, in this crucible.

You see, the obstacles that were easily seen, for most of you seekers, have been dealt with. What now remains are the residual ones your ego's have quietly swept under the carpet, and hidden in the darkness in deeply imbedded boxes.

But do not be discouraged, and do not feel we are judging you, for all of you will indeed Ascend, sooner or later. But there is a grand opportunity within this crucible to find what is hidden, and perform the needful purge. That that is in shadow will be revealed in this time, and that which could not easily be seen in other sojourns, in other phases of the 'present' lifetime, will be visible if such self- search is truly desired and diligently executed. And Masters, while such an examination will require courage and humility, the rewards are great. For indeed the eclipses and Grand Cross affords you the opportunity to pass through an important doorway, into a higher and more pristine version of true self.

So we urge you to seek the hidden obstacles and confront and release them on the lunar eclipse. We further and emphatically recommend you to meditate intensely on the attributes you desire to achieve on the solar eclipse., for indeed the ability to be creative in the phase of the solar eclipse is amplified as well. A perfect time for resolve and surprisingly for artistic expression, or manifestation of desire.

Utilize the interim phase between the eclipses then to decide who you truly are. What are you here to do, what will you do with the years of this sojourn you have remaining. You see Masters, the energy of the period you are entering, offers you the ability to enter a state of profound 'Beingness'. A state beyond the mind, an energy beyond that you term thought. And for many of you, Beingness is a state that you have not truly engaged; such is the control you have given the inner narrator. In a true sense the Diamond Triad offers those of you who can silence the mind, the opportunity to more easily enter the solemn vibration of still wisdom, of 'mindless' Beingness, and truly Masters, it is a state far higher in frequency that that of mindfulness. Does that confuse you? We tell you that there is an identity of your Divinity that is above the mind, and it is an aspect of your soul, and is far closer to your true Beingness. Indeed mind is simply a companion of your Beingness relative to the 3rd dimension, and we beckon you to explore this aspect more deeply in the following 4-5 weeks, for many doorways are opening. You are capable of investing your Beingness in a higher level of engagement during this time, and while this may surprise you, your mind invites this opportunity, in all its aspects of creativity, for it knows that there is a level above it that is quite necessary for your evolvement into higher dimension.

The Diamond Triad, the Grand Cross and Eclipses are the pathway to the 10-10-10 in this your year of 2010, use this time well, and you will make a quantum leap.

As we have said, what lies before you is a difficult energy for you to master, but it can indeed be experienced and great gain is possible. The Cosmic Council of Light has sent a wave of energy over the past days, that has been termed the 'OM Wave'. Tap into this energy, and it will serve you well as you navigate the next 5 weeks.

Dear ones, keep ever in mind, this energy is extremely intense, and is quite capable of throwing you off center, if you do not maintain your guard. It is the Diamond Triad, and can serve you well and offer a quantum leap if you consciously utilize this energy and retain Auric Integrity.

Be calm, be patient, be creative , be wise, and nurture yourselves and one another.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.

And so it is....

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Healing Prayer For The Gulf Of Mexico from Dr Masaru Emoto 18/6/10‏

Prayer For The Gulf Of Mexico

Jun 20, 2010


June 18, 2010

Dr. Masaru Emoto is the scientist from Japan who has done all the research and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research revealed that water physically responds to emotions.

Many people have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf.

And while justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr. Emoto, himself, has proposed.

I am passing this request to people I believe may be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico .

We are not powerless. We are powerful.

Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily – multiple times daily – can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening. We don’t have to know how – we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any other power active in the Universe today.

“I send the energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae … humankind … to ALL living creatures … I am sorry.

Please forgive me. Thank you.

I Love You.”

Please join me in often repeating this Healing Prayer by Dr. Emoto’s. Feel free to send it around the planet. Lets take charge … and do our own clean up!

CROP CIRCLE MESSAGE - for the 26th June 2010

Hello Beloved Ones

I am sorry i havent been to the site for a while... it has been a busy and great period for healing and transformation.

One of my friends sent me this message this morning and i would like to share with you all. There is a link at the bottom of the message for those who speak German.

Hope you can be part of this amazing event on the 26th.

love and light


On May 22 a crop Circle appeared near the windmill of Wilton in Wiltshire, South of England a crop circle with an encoded message. This crop circle speaks of a profound paradigm shift, a reverse of polarity. It alludes to two dates: The Grand Cross on June 26 2010 and December 21, 2012.

It contains a powerful warning, speaks of a global crisis and at the same time it shows the solution. On June 26, 2010, there is an extraordinary planetary constellation, a Grand Cross. According to the message of the crop circle, the sun creates a new room, a healing room, a new field of consciousness on that day.

The sun unites two poles, merging them to a unity on June 26. This merging of polarities leads to a short-circuit, or in other words, a cosmic orgasm due to which a new room will enfold. This new room is a gift, because in this new room what seemed devoid of meaning all of sudden makes sense again. What enfolds is a new, corrected reality, shifted in phase!

According to the message of the crop circle this new room can be accessed by everyone through the power of consciousness.

If LOVE succeeds on earth, and be it for only a few hours in just one person or in just one loving couple, this experience of LOVE will leave a trace in this newly opening room, a trace which is eternal and will remain active forever. A shining trace, a trace of love, which will remain visible far beyond earth atmosphere. Each experience of love and every experience of peace will stimulate this room, fill and adorn it. The power of this room is going to grow exponentially. The songs of the Healed Matrix are the hymns which will fill this room!

Each person who dares to leave behind the matrix of power and violence, everyone who is not afraid of letting go old belief systems but live instead in harmony with Mother Earth and ALL that IS, will be able to access this room. Each person will receive healing impulses from this room through his consciousness and heart and will give in return his/her healing experience back to this room.

What we find in this room will exist within ourselves and outside of us. It is a Secret of the Universe, that what is being formed outside can be accessed from within; you find it in your own sacred inner space, your personal center.

And once this Healing Matrix in this newly created Healing Room will be powerful enough, the matrix of fear will dissolve and the Healing Matrix will expand.
This is the Plan of the Star Master and the Planetary Beings.

This Healing Room is less than an atom in distance from us.
This Healing Room is in our own Sacred Space Center when we are in unison with ourselves, in unison with Mother Earth and in unison with ALL that IS.

Werner Johannes Neuner describes the process of decodification of the message of the Crop Circle of Wilton in detail and all the information is available in German at this link:
http://www.meinthem wernerneuner/ News/W9News

He is looking forward to entering this Sacred Room together with all of us,

In the Light of Unity

Werner Johannes Neuner and Sonja Myriel, who translated this message
