Monday, 24 October 2011


Hello Dear Ones

I am sharing with you all this opportunity to experience a shift from aloneness to oneness.. please read on and check out the link.

may all our hearts be filled with much love and wonder!


Today, Monday, October 24th, offers you the opportunity to experience a shift from aloneness to oneness, through Global Oneness Day. It's a day dedicated to feeling connected to a global community, to experiencing a deep peace within and to knowing that you are not alone -- that you are at one with all of life.

This special day is uniting global luminaries such as mega-movie star Sharon Stone; famed musician Kenny Loggins; international bestselling authors Neale Donald Walsch and don Miguel Ruiz; the former Undersecretary General of the U.N., Ambassador Chowdhury; the former Director General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor Zaragoza; renowned stem cell biologist, Bruce Lipton; and spiritual leaders, Rabbi Michael Lerner and Gangaji.

We have partnered with Humanity's Team to bring you these top thought leaders and many others, along with a global community of thousands of people who want to spread oneness around the world.

It's all for free, and you can sign up here:

Plus, when you register for the Global Oneness Summit you'll have the opportunity to add your signature to the Global Oneness Day Declaration.

Join us tomorrow for this special day of sharing insights, prayer, music and meditation:

Start your week off feeling uplifted and connected! And help us spread the word far and wide to build the wave of oneness around the world.
In oneness,

P.S.You'll also hear from luminaries such as Lynne McTaggart, Andrew Harvey, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Sequoyah Trueblood, Marla Maples, James Twyman and many others for Global Oneness Day. Join us TOMORROW:

Blessings to all Myriamxxx