Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love

The New Planetary Cause of Divine Love – Patricia Cota-Robles – www.eraof

Mother Mary and Saint Germain working together to bring in THE New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love

The Threefold Flame Expansion within our Sacred Hearts

So, very exciting things are happening this month of May and the months to follow. During this special times, Mother Mary and the Feminine Aspects of Deity serving the Earth will assist our I AM Presence to expand the Chalice within our Immaculate Heart. This Chalice of Light serves as the brazier for our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. With this expansion, our balanced Heart Flame will blaze forth as the powerful force of Divinity it was always intended to be. Then we will tangibly experience the Presence of God in every cell and atom of our Beings. This will pave the way for the transformation of our carbon-based 3rd and 4th Dimensional bodies into our crystalline-based 5th Dimensional Solar Light Bodies. .

Saint Germain and the Legions of the Violet Flame are intensifying the frequencies of the Violet Flame of God`s Infinite Perfection beyond anything Humanity has been able to experience. This will help us to quickly transmute the chaos of our human miscreations, which are being pushed to the surface in all of our lives. At the same time, Mother Mary and The Legions of Light from her Temple of the Immaculate Heart are assisting the I AM Presence within each of us to balance and expand the Threefold Flame in our heart. Our Heart Flame will now envelope our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. We have no experienced this intensity of Light from our Threefold Flame since our fall from Grace aeons ago. This is truly an unprecedented Gift of Divine Intervention and it is helping to prepare all of us, at an atomic cellular level, to be able to withstand the influx of our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, which will be secured in the physical plane of Earth, August 13-18th 2011.

We are in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever to occur in the history of time. When our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love is securely anchored in the physical world of effects, the Company of Heaven has assured us that it will catapult ALL Humanity into a new level of awareness. This shift of consciousness will intensify the Unity consciousness that is now gently expanding through the hearts and minds of every person of Earth. It will reveal the Oneness of Life and expose the lie of separation, which has perpetuated the pain and suffering we have experienced for eaons of time while floundering in the illusion of fear and duality. The end result of this activity of Light will be the transformation of this Earth into a planet of Divine Love, Peace, Abundance and Joy. In other words Heaven on Earth.

Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of lightworkers is the 25th Annual Congress on Illumination. This event will take place on August 13-18, 2011 during the 25th Celebration of Harmonic Convergence. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love.

Mother Mary and Saint Germain started the process of Expanding the Threefold Flame in our Hearts in May.. and we continue to do so by visualising this Beautiful flame within our Sacred Hearts every day if only for a few minutes.

The Threefold flame is: The Pink Colour of Divine Love on one side, the Gold colour of Divine Wisdom in the middle and the Blue colour of Divine Power on the other side.

I will be posting some information on the ThreeFold Flame later on in the month.

Sending you all joy, peace, harmony, love and blessings


Planetary Cause of Divine Love – Patricia Cota-Robles – www.eraof peacemaFor more inforplease see The New tion .org

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